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CIAO! ;]


Life is a matter of multicolored bewilderments. You can’t vividly anticipate its upcoming spectacles and occurrences. Consequently, you have no choice but to embrace life’s range of exquisite, perhaps obnoxious outcomes. Thus, making you dwell into the vast empire of perplexity.



Friday, March 27, 2009

"...every waking day, you take my breath away...with every word you say, you take my breath away..."

I dunno if your familiar with Emma Bunton's (yah, BABY SPICE!) single.. I've used to know this song since I was in high school yet I really didn't have any idea before, on who was the songster behind it..and thank God, through my friends JONI and PENNY, nalaman ko na rin!

just recently, I was hooked to it and I couldn't resist listening to Emma's sweet yet husky voice!


anyway, t'was just an intro.

hmmm.. yesterday was our dorm's year-ender party. as expected, tears of sadness and joy are apparent to most of my dorm mates' eyes..yah, I shed a few tears but I didn't bawl like crazy like what the others did.. I don't wanna look pathetic during that night.

Moreover, I was freakin' tired making those pesky certificates. I was given the award "AWARDS QUEEN AWARD".. and yeah, it's already self-explanatory.

of course, we had a disco after the program. (as usual!) one thing Balay Kanlaon had taught me is to party or disco.. at least, my dancing prowess was honed up.. however, that was the my shortest dancing span among the 5 BK disco moments.

Around 2:30, I went back to my room cause I wasn't really enjoying the party.. I was already damn worn-out and I badly need some shut eye... so off I went to bed and sobbed a little before definitely heading off to dreamland.. (don't ask me why I was whimpering..the reason's badly feeble...)

Well, I wanna share to you what happened last Thursday. After our final exams (Garbage-picking sa OWL and I was one of the student's who had the most number of the gathered trashes) for our Envi.Sci. we headed to OMP's Corner for our teacher, Mr. KHP's gonna treat us..

I sang about 8 songs! Credits to those "magnanimous balikbayans." Speaking of them, since these people were enetertained by the singing performances of everybody, they gave us lots of 5-peso coins for the videoke machine so that we could continue singing our hearts out.. And of course, that made us sing a number of times.

then, they gave out 2 cases of RH beer to my classmates and schoolmates.Geez. just because they were delighted with our talents, they gave out those thingies! Extravagant I must say! Lucky you OMPS, you earned a lot! ;]


For the 1st tym, I was in the company of people who are in the realm of drunkenness! (FYI, half of us were drunk!)

It was scary and funny at the same time. Lots of them were unconscious and they were acting strangely and saying zany things.. (go Penny and Maicah!)

and while we're walking our way to the dormitory, FATHER swept all the heaven's out of me for he pulled a prank on us. He hide on some of the bushes then jolted out of the blue.. Since I was the person nearest to him, I was the one who was really in panic.. I felt like crying and I was blurting out the word "Y*TI!" all the way..

It was indeed a long night.. at least, after the skull-cracking exams we decided to have a bit of fun! March 26, 2009 is totally memorable amd so cool. I've got to see my crush who's Psych major. I mean OUR (insert Penny and Maicah's names here) crush! he's uber cute. hihi.

oh yeah, I'll end up here. ciao! ;]

*I'LL MISS BK and my "dancefloor" king! hehe.

writtern @10:27 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I guess it's already more than a week since this person said a quick "Hi!" to me.

Been more than a week since this somebody gave me a warm smile.

And it's been more than a week since this creature sent me amusing text messages.

Well yes, I miss those mere bits of gestures.

What I just want to convey in this post is that I can sense this person's aloofness towards me. I was simply unaccustomed to it. I mean, what's the problem with him? I ain't clarified with the factors which indeed affect the way he dealt with me.

It's like "Hello, can't you see I'm here?"

We're definitely good friends you know and all of a sudden this earthling is keeping his distance. Why in the flames? It seems that we were never buddies at all.

I dunno. I'll just give a shot on approaching this person first. Maybe because this individual had sensed my wariness towards him. My bad I guess. *big sigh! :[

writtern @11:11 PM

Friday, March 6, 2009


How funny, after more or less two years, I felt that rare ache again.

Oh God, the mere scene I saw created a huge impact to me. I simply don't know why in the heavens I've felt that way wherein there's no definite basis why I have to put a big deal to that one.

I can't really relay the whole thing in this post for you know, maybe somebody might gonna read it and associate him/herself. I'd rather play safe now.

But I admit, it was the first twinge that terribly bruised me regarding crush matters. I never did that in my past years.The last twinge I felt was with my first break-up. But this is way too different I must say. I' m always cool when it comes to those situations. Hell, this is not the "firm" Darlene Mher anymore.

This is not jealousy I'm telling you. But I just can't explain why I was damn bitter with the episode I've perceived.

I guess, I was just expecting too much. Talking about false hopes and all.

This isn't me anymore. I don't accept expectations when it comes to those matters, swear.

No. Never. This can't be happening.

I'm acting like a paranoid and obtuse b*atch. whatever.

I must be the OLD me.


writtern @3:09 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Actually, I had an older account however I can't log in since I failed to recall the user ID. Password? Well, mine's a universal one so it will be carved in my hypothalamus eternally.

This will be a very short post for I am bombarded by 3 long exams, a major speech and House Council jobs. I'll end up here. ^-^

CIAO! ;)

writtern @5:32 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hearts. Hearts. Hearts.

Oh well, Valentines is circulating in the Earth's stratum this day and basically I "LOATHE" it. Yes I know you'll be asking why in the flames I despise it.

Foremost, the idea of Valentines Day is uhmm... call it crazy!

Look, couples make this day extra-special. Why not make it more exceptional in just an ordinary day? I guess it would have a better impact if things go unpredictable. Right?

Plus, it's an eyesore seeing lots and lots of lovers making petty things. Waah. Regarding that,well, we will go to the town's park and try to count how many couples are there. haha. Bad. Uhm, wrong term. I prefer the word MEAN.

ANYWAY, Valentines is just an ordinary day for me. For 17 years of existence, the occasion's being monotonous. Too predictable.

Okey let's switch to another topic.

I am now recuperating from STRESS. (include depression here)

As a HOUSE COUNCIL officer in my beloved dormitory, well I'm carrying a heavy boulder in my head compared to an ordinary dormer. Thank God, I've made it. Plus my patience was being lengthened.

We had a 4-day set of activities. Take note of the number FOUR. Indeed, it was too nerve-wracking. Things are getting so demanding as the next days went by. I got LESSER number of hours on sleep. My zits are getting larger and voluminous. Wah. Plus round circles and eye bags are now apparent. In short, I look HAGGARD.

Plus, I was disappointed by yesterday's affair. Nah, the prom wasn't that satisfying compared to other dorm activities. Last minute preparations. But yeah, I was still glad since my crush was strutting himself on the dance floor. Dance addict? Wah I dunno, ask him. Perhaps! I just said to myself, "Sh*t, why is he like that? Ka-cute gid sa iya ah!" Harhar. Smiling mode!

Then, I was expecting something to happen at the same night. And as the usual, I was thwarted by my stupid anticipation. Oh duh, stop. I dont want to refresh last night's occurrence.

Damn, I also realized that I'm not good at spelling words anymore. poor me. Thanks to the auto correction. I misspelled 3 words in this post. (I misspelled the word "misspelled".. haha. I thought it's "mispelled". Blah.

Oohh. Ciao for now.


writtern @12:56 AM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

After two long months, I'm back in the business once more. Well literally, I'm back to school as well. Hurrah! Or is it really worth cheering for?

Anyhoo, horrid as I may think, I was totally bombarded with a wide range of duties. I mean, not only me but almost all UP students. This isn't a new thing anyway, I'm used to this.

Right now, I'm a bit panicky for I will have my CMS100 report together with Debbie. Actually, I'm not that ready. Everytym our professor's name appears in my mind,I got this shivers. I couldn't deny it but I'm somehow getting paranoid at this time. I'm dreading this thing all the way since Christmas vacation. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that my wits will not be squeezed tomorrow. Or else, I'll be more paranoid than ever.

Another thing that's been bothering me this second sem is our History 2 exams. Upperclassmen and fellow freshmen who undergone this teacher are giving me the threats. Aside from the fact that she loves to call people during oral recitations, she adores to give five's and four's to her students. Plus, her exams are more than brain bleed. You know, the unusual nosebleed examinations. I guess this will be another Soc. Sci 10.

At this point, I was planning to shift to BS BIO. I just don't know if I'll be making the right plan. I need your opinions. whew. So long. :(

writtern @10:18 PM

Friday, October 3, 2008


Two moles of Fluorine gas combusted with four moles of Hydrogen gas combined with three atomic units of Carbon reduced by three grams Helium gas plus four millimeters of Iron metal in Chlorine solution oxidized by five molecules of Oxygen gas yields a super reactive heavy saturated solution that encompass the existence of an individual branded as Juvinch Regatona Vicente.

Having an atomic number and atomic weight of one, hydrogen is being likened to my personality. Like this element, I consider myself as a simple being who is breathing in this very eclectic globe. Certain instances happen when I feel light and calm yet when my co-elements annoy me, in turn I can’t hold my boiling point. Thus I burst and ignite the flame hiding in my nucleus. In order to subside this temper, I’m also like Oxygen which is an aide for the vitality of humans because I extend my hands to those who are in need. I never hesitate to help my friends for us to have a stable relationship.

Now, let us take a glance on myself as a member of the Vicente family. Well, I could simply associate myself to Carbon for I’m a composition of a stable family. As the only guy among the four siblings, I personally believe that I carry an enormous load on top of my shoulders otherwise I perform a great responsibility in keeping my family firm. Through my family, I’ve learned to be like Chlorine regarding the faith I have for Him. Frankly, our connection is merely wavering thus I’m spiritually unstable.

Love is a compound composed of two elements sharing a single orbital which are of diverse properties. The most reactive element is Fluorine which I equate with the kind of lover in me. I have once being strongly bonded to my co-element; however the attachment between us was interrupted by varied factors and was ended distressingly. As of now, I have a fluctuating emotion when it comes to it making me more like a rusted iron. Contrary to that, I’m waiting for a sacrificial anode that will tarnish the ache brought by the past.

Summing it all up, life is exactly a compound. Different interacting elements compose our individuality. Day by day, we undergo several reactions that will contribute in the betterment of our personalities. As for me, I had and will have numerous experiences that will make me a better compound. This is my life – MY CHEMICAL METAPHOR.


It was simply a big wow for me! For less than an hour, through the combined forces of Lalaish, I and Juvinch, we finally made the latter's essay which is at whilst his final exam. The odd thing was, we were Laish and I were late for our CMS class---20 minutes. Heck! Thank goodness, Maam Vargas is as nice as heaven. It was really our first time being late in our major subject.

Anyway, I just confirmed my CRS as a pre-enlistment for my subjects for the 2nd Sem. Wow, I was forced to take Soc.Sci.1 for I was waitlisted in Psych10 and it's almost equivalent to the word impossible if I would be able to grasp the subject. (#17) sigh! Plus, I have 5 subjects on Mondays and Thursdays. Weep! How would I be able to balance my time? I'm lethargic! See, God simply wants me to do the opposite act. Oh no! I'm somehow doomed.

Another thing, I'm currently doing my essays as 50% of our final exams. I've finished two already. At least, sven more to go!

Ohyeehah, this is my first post as a 17-year-old. ugh. kaurugot gid sang age koh. nwei, ciao!


writtern @6:42 AM